Child and adolescent protection

Child and adolescent protection

In order to counteract the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, the travel and tourism agency LATINAMERICAN TOURS adopts the following Code of Conduct. The Legal Representative must share its content with employees and contractors linked to the provision of tourism services, in order to enforce the obligations contemplated in Articles 16 and 17 of Law 679 of 2001, as well as to prevent the behaviors classified in Article 19 of the same law, and also to incorporate the following minimum control measures:


  • We refrain from offering, in our tourism promotion programs and tour plans, either expressly or surreptitiously, plans for the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
  • We refrain from providing tourists, directly or through an intermediary, information about places from where commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents is coordinated or practiced.
  • We refrain from leading tourists, directly or through third parties, to establishments or places where commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents is practiced, as well as from taking them to the sites where tourists are staying, including if it involves ships located in high seas, with the purpose of commercially sexually exploiting children and adolescents.
  • We refrain from providing vehicles on tourist routes for the purpose of exploitation or sexual abuse of children and adolescents.
  • We prevent the entry of children and adolescents into hotels or lodging places, bars, similar businesses, and other establishments where tourism services are provided, with the purpose of exploitation or sexual abuse.
  • LATINAMERICAN TOURS takes measures to prevent staff associated with the company in any capacity from offering tourism services that allow sexual activity with children and adolescents.
  • We commit to reporting to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism and other competent authorities, any incidents that we become aware of by any means, as well as the existence of places related to the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, and ensure that within the agency there are channels for the corresponding reports to the competent authorities.
  • LATINAMERICAN TOURS designs and disseminates internally within the company and with its goods and services suppliers, a policy in which the provider establishes measures to prevent and counteract all forms of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in travel and tourism.
  • LATINAMERICAN TOURS trains all personnel linked to the company on the issue of preventing the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
  • LATINAMERICAN TOURS informs its users about the legal consequences in Colombia of the exploitation and sexual abuse of children and adolescents.

The Legal Representative, and employees of the travel agency LATIN AMERICAN TOURS, aware of our Social responsibility as providers of tourism services. We adopt the following policy as a contribution to the compliance with Law 679 of 2001 in the following cases:

  • Any adult who comes to the offices of LATINAMERICAN TOURS, intending to purchase a tour package that includes minors, must present the minor's identification document; if this document is not available, the birth certificate will be required.
  • Any adult wishing to purchase a tour package with LATINAMERICAN TOURS and presenting with children and adolescents must submit in writing the permission for national territory exit, either by the father or mother, if both do not present.
  • If in any of the mentioned cases compliance is not met, and having identified the adult; if this person refuses to present the required documents, LATINAMERICAN TOURS will make the respective report to the authorities, and spread the word among our colleagues in the tourism service sector, to be alert and fight together against this scourge.
  • LATINAMERICAN TOURS offers in its tour packages different hotels within the national territory; if it were to be identified that any of these promote child pornography and sexual exploitation with children and adolescents through their employees, social networks, WhatsApp, printed advertising, we will be ready to report to the authorities and competent organizations.
  • LATINAMERICAN TOURS will inform its clients through WhatsApp and email about the code of conduct, related to the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.

All the information will be recorded in electronic format; it will be available to the competent authorities and to those concerned for review. This serves as evidence of our commitment to the SGS NTS 003

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